the Extraordinary in the Ordinary


Rodeo and Equine Photography in Beautiful British Columbia, Canada


“I didn’t realize that these moments happen around us every day,
until Copper Wire captured them”

empowering equestrians by capturing their most authentic selves


Being an equestrian is a way of living that you give yourself to entirely. It is the thrill of building a relationship with an animal that, by any measure of the imagination, should never have let another ride upon its back.



What is copper wire?


Copper Wire is more than just photography. It is a mindset. An attitude. A way of seeing and celebrating the world without reservation.

It is a community of fierce horsemen and horsewomen who lift each other up, even in the height of competition.


copper wire documents the sport of rodeo in a powerful way


equine event and rodeo photography

servicing the greater Vancouver, Fraser Valley and interior regions of british columbia

Specializing in behind the scenes photography at equine competition events



To me, photography is an art of observation.
It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place
Elliott Erwitt


Copper Wire equestrian sessions

Copper Wire’s distinct style and close attention to detail will document your unique life as an equestrian in a powerful way

Only a handful of dates are released each year. Contact for upcoming availability in your area.

Starting at CDN$350.



Telling the stories of equestrians by capturing ordinary moments in an extraordinary way


The life we share with our horses defines us.

The mutual trust, understanding and patience that is required to build a successful partnership with a horse involves dedication and determination.

It is a relationship that forces us into incredible growth and self discovery.

Behind each equine partnership is a unique story.

Tell yours.

Celebrate your unique story with Copper Wire equestrian.


Casey’s story

“Being an equestrian means being strong. Mentally, physically and emotionally. It is expensive, it is competitive, it is time consuming, and it teaches you lessons about loss, defeat and perseverance. Being an equestrian is not for the faint of heart, but it has brought some of the greatest blessings of my life”

My name is Jessica.

I like my coffee black, my whiskey neat, my sunglasses Ray-Bans, my jeans ripped and my photos a little on the edgy side.

i am copper wire


“Taking an image, freezing a moment, reveals how rich reality truly is.”


invest in yourself.

Invest in documenting your unique story.

Freeze this moment of your life.

Celebrate all that you have achieved.

“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving.

What you have caught on film is captured forever.

It remembers little things, long after you have forgot everything.”

join the copper wire family

Have questions?

Ready to book a private session?

Have a project you want to collaborate on?

Think we would be friends and wanna just drink some bubbly and ride some horses?

Reach out. I can’t wait to meet you.

“Jessica turns life into art”


xoxo, Copper Wire